DIY Silk Scarf Top
During the midst of Melbourne's summer months, I found that I didn't have many appropriate cool tops to wear.
Rather than go out and spend lots on a new top, I made one using two thrifted silk scarves, which cost me $1 each. Before buying my scarves, I made sure the smaller of the two would fit around my body before purchase, so they'd work for my DIY project.
I will show you how to make your own DIY silk scarf top top, it is the easiest project, which requires minimal skill.
1. Lay your scarves on top of each other, and if they are not the same size, trim down the larger of the two, leaving a few cm for your hem.
Lay scarves on top of each other
Trim down the larger of the two scarves I used pinking shears
2. Hem your raw edge.
3. Pin your scarves together, with the best sides facing into each other.
4. Sew together in four straight lines, leave a gap at the top for your head, and two gaps either side for your arms.
Sew straight lines as shown
5. Turn your stitched scarves the right way, and wear!
Paisley side
Striped box side
Assuming your DIY silk scarf top is the right length, you could wear with leggings or shorts. They also make light and breezy beach cover-ups.
255551 - 2023-07-19 12:06:16