Kate Hudson wears Aruna Seth

Kate Hudson wears Aruna Seth

Posted 2014-07-27 by EricaLfollow
Some might say platform heels have had their time, others might disagree and say this a trend that will stay for a while longer.

If celebrities are anything to go by, Kate Hudson has recently been seen wearing platform heels in two of her recent ouftit choices, each designed by UK based [link http://arunaseth.com/ Aruna Seth].

Aruna Seth hails from a family firmly established in the shoe world. She is dedicated to creating glamorous shoes designed to elongate the legs whilst maintaining the luxury of comfort, irrespective of the heel size

Kate Hudson wore Aruna Seth Venus heels in dogtooth design to her “Premiere Wish I Was Here.”

Kate Hudson in dogtooth Aruna Seth Venus

And in a casual look to attend Sirius XM Kate Hudson chose to wear nude shorts and matching thigh length jacket paired with Aruna Seth Venus heels in light pink.

Kate Hudson in light pink Aruna Seth Venus

Aruna Seth Venus heels retail for 695 UK Sterling / 1,200 US Dollars.


255651 - 2023-07-20 00:03:41


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